corresponding temperature

英 [ˌkɒrəˈspɒndɪŋ ˈtemprətʃə(r)] 美 [ˌkɔːrəˈspɑːndɪŋ ˈtemprətʃər]




  1. The Temperature Converter component has a method called convert which accepts the given temperature in Celsius as input and returns the corresponding temperature in Fahrenheit as the output.
  2. The reliable basis for the dam design and for taking corresponding temperature control measures during the dam construction is provided.
  3. The corresponding relations between temperature field and microstructure of welding zone were validated by comparing simulation results with microstructure morphology.
  4. We assume that the density anomalies, which are transformed from seismic tomography data, are corresponding to temperature distribution in a convective mantle.
  5. The activity of the catalyst samples for CO oxidation was corresponding with the temperature and intensity of CO 2 desorption peak in CO-TPD process.
  6. The mechanical properties and stress-strain curves of the blade in corresponding temperature are obtained. Mechanical properties of the turbine blade are compared with the standard specimens.
  7. A sharp peak appears at 200K. Variable temperature X ray diffraction shows a structural anomaly at the corresponding temperature.
  8. Furthermore the water content was one of the most important factors to cause gelation in the reaction system, and the ranges of water content and corresponding temperature for the preparation of CMS with various degree of substitute were introduced.
  9. Laser processing on material surface is a transient, un-balanced, disproportioned complex physical chemistry process, which creates temperature field and corresponding temperature grads field that have significant effect on processing quality.
  10. The corresponding temperature of maximum decomposition rate of different superpolymer is different, thereby the variety of superpolymer can be judged.
  11. The maximum deflection value and its corresponding specific temperature increase as the intensity of incident solitary wave increases.
  12. The variation regularities of thermal field and the temperature of drilling fluid are analyzed, providing the temperature distribution curves of drilling fluid and corresponding correlation between temperature and strata.
  13. The Hawking effect, event horizon and corresponding temperature of a uniformly accelerating, non stationary, charged black hole are given.
  14. The corresponding temperature shift factors, stress shift factors and temperature-stress shift factors were obtained according to the time-temperature-stress superposition principle, and the creep compliance master curve up to about 30 days at a reference temperature 22 ℃ and a reference stress 14 MPa was constructed.
  15. On this basis, the theory of variable-mass fracture model is proposed, and the existence of mass flow and the corresponding inhomogeneous temperature field of plastic-rheological zone at the crack-tip is experimentally demonstrated.
  16. The result reveals the significant size effect that the conductivity of silicon films along the film plane is lower than that value in bulk silicon crystal at corresponding temperature and decreases with the decreasing of film thickness.
  17. In the calculation of temperature simulation, different temperature rising process curves of concrete are adopted according to the corresponding placing temperature.
  18. The heating rates shift the maximum thermal degradation rate and its corresponding temperature.
  19. DSC is widely used in measuring the material's heat effect and corresponding temperature when the material's physical or chemical character changes under the procedure temperature control.
  20. The intensity of S ( Q) has a sudden change of slope with the increasing of temperature. This point is corresponding glass transition temperature.
  21. The temperature detection object and method are also established, corresponding temperature sensor is designed and the proper installation position and installation method are found.
  22. The temperature sensor and relevant circuit will change temperature into electrical pulse, and the width value of simple computer which is measured will change into the corresponding temperature value.
  23. Because of its structure characteristics, Fiber-optic gyroscope have higher sensitivity to temperature, it must take the necessary measures to the corresponding temperature control or compensation to restrain the influence of temperature on the output.
  24. Based on the simulation dates, the energy consumption of the two hybrid ground-source heat pump systems is analyzed. The corresponding temperature distribution in underground soil is also presented.
  25. As counter measures, the corresponding temperature controlling and construction monitoring methods have been proposed, and the course of temperture controlling by adding cooling water pipes has also been simulated.
  26. RBF and BP neural network modeling are introduced and used to establish the compensation models corresponding the temperature measuring point optimization schemes. The final compensation model is determined after the analysis comparison.
  27. In the real-time measuring process, the heating current is fleetly changed to staircase current in small amplitude, and the corresponding temperature parameters are collected to be analyzed in TSAM to obtain the non-uniform property& degree information of temperature distribution.
  28. The results show that the contact thermal resistance changes with the index of pressure. The greater the interface pressure, the smaller thermal resistance is. While in range of the corresponding temperature, the influence of temperature to thermal resistance is relatively small.
  29. The study found, with the carbon black particle size increasing, tan δ values corresponding to temperature changes little, but the value of tan δ max upward trend was evident, and the glass transition region gradually widened.